Hex editing KPG74D out of band?

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Hex editing KPG74D out of band?

Post by DES-AJ »

I have a TK-3140 that I bought out of the UK because the europe version has so many more features than the international one (440-480Mhz) My repeater input at one of my jobs is at 483.*** but the simplex side of that channel is up at 488, it recieves fine at 488 and tx's at 483 and slightly beyond but emits a tone at 488... I know I shouldn't be hacking it any further but I'm curious to know if anyone has ever hacked kenwood RSS or FPU sucessfully? I know /V\ CPS gets hacked outta band at the drop of a hat (mine is) but CPS doesn't let you program one fraction out of band so maybe it just hasn't been looked at on the kenwood side as no one needs to do it.

Any input on anyone that has done it? If not what would dropping international firmware into my 3140 do to it? brick it or would it behave like a normal 3140 450-490Mhz? I'm sure it would throw the alignment out a heck of a lot.

AJ :wink:
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